As you may already know, Squid inc. is a business focusing solely on 5 star services in all squid related support and consultation. Without a healthy squid population this business (and the global economy for that matter) wouldn't have reached the heights that we have. Unfortunately a signficant threat has been looming over our continued success that we as a society cannot simply ignore anymore; Sharks. Anyone who's been in business school will know that sharks are a natural predator of squids. Simply put, sharks are cutting in our bottom line. As the world's largest exporter of our top of the line service we are stepping up where others haven't and are taking a firm stance against sharks. Modern politicians are too scared to out sharks in fear of losing the votes of the shark loving population. At the end of this article we're confident that population will not be so loving anymore.
A large portion of the population do not know about the terrible truth of sharks. They eat squids. An eaten squid is a dead squid. A once healthy worker of Squid inc. now turned into a simple meal for a shark. Squid inc. receives no compensation for this consumption. Everday sharks are allowed to wreck havoc on the squid population the lower our potentional revenue stream becomes.
Our crack research team has crunched the numbers and have reached an ultimatum. If the shark menace continues Squid inc. and many other important corporations could be threatened for bankruptcy within a projected 10 years. This collapse would be devastating to the global economy. Many of you may be thinking, will this affect the little guy? Yes, most definately. Evidence would suggest that a recession in squid related business could see the average household income be reduced by as much as 45%. You're definately not going to afford that new car with that reduced income. Business will shrink, squids would cease to exist, humanity at the brink of destruction. We know what you're thinking, "That stinks!" you cry, and you would be totally correct.

We as a society must push for law makers to address this shark problem at once. Squid inc. encourages everyone to spread the word and share the truth of sharks, or society will suffer the consequences. The busines sector will crumble, already struggling workers will come home with less and society as we know it would be unlikely to survive.
Article by Squid inc. research team